Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Seven Days till Election Day

Got some bad news yesterday, a member of a political party died sometime within the last week. He last spoke to his friend last week, had really bad pain in his arm and would not let anyone else get his medication. He was en route to the pharmacy and promised to call his friend when he got back. That was Monday, he never called Tuesday, she kept calling and e-mailing him, with no answer. On Sunday, at an event, she and some others started talking and she got more worried than ever, so when they were done the event they went over to the house. they had to break in to the house and found his body, dead for some time. As he was running for re-election, we have had a big name stepping up and agreeing to run in his place. It's almost a done deal, everyone loves the new candidate and out of respect for the old candidate I think they will give him the votes.

As I had to file 2 reports for the 7 days before an election rule, I thought I was done, but as I'm an assistant treasure, at the last minute I had to file another report before the 4:30 pm deadline.  Now the candidates are down to the line, only 7 more days till election. Actually as I am writing this at 9:15pm, in 7 days we should know if my husband is a winner or a loser. Do I hope for a win or a loss, not really sure yet.

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